Tuesday, November 11, 2008

YES! It is true, I am updating my blog and writing something besides "Quick post"! :) It has been a quick and Awesome couple of months. I am older and fatter I might add! I have decided that I am the luckiest man in the world! I mean, just look at those two boys! Look at this beautiful woman below! These last couple of weeks I have been very frustrated feeling like I an not accomplishing anything in my life. What was I thinking? I am accomplishing the most important thing in the world. I am raising two beautiful boys and married to a wonderful woman that supports me and helps me accomplish my goals. I need to just be thankful for what I have and do the best I can to make sure they stay happy and taken care of.

Anyways, lets talk about Halloween shall we? It was one of the funner Halloweens in my memory bank! Ok now lets play a game! Who do you think was more excited about trick or treating.........................................Your wrong if you said Quinton! Ashton was so excited! Since I am going picture crazy lets post some trick or treating pictures...

It was a fun night and full of a lot of candy! Ashton was on such a sugar high he didn't go to bed until like 2:00 in the morning! It was kinda funny because Quinton only got like half the candy that Ashton got because everyone thought Ashton was so cute that they let him take as much candy as he wanted...and he did!:)

And now for some random photos...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

School Time!!!

There goes another week! This week has been a rather exciting one. Quinton started school and the new semester started for Cara and me. Quinton is really loving school. He got his Cars Backpack and his pencil box. He is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it!

I am almost through my second semester at Grand Canyon University. I have enjoyed the flexibility that it has offered me! I am thankful that I will be able to finish my degree

Ashton is quite the handful. He doesn't listen to anyone but me and even then he is selective in what he hears... :) He is really fun though! He wants to be a big kid now and I feel bad because he can't be yet. Quinton gets to go outside in the back yard and play without us always right there, but Ashton can't and that really makes him mad!

Well anyways I am really tired...for some reason I always end up doing these at like 1 in the morning...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A long long time...

Well I know it is a miracle. I have gotten on about 10 times to update, but I just haven't done it. So I better start with the biggest news of all...


I have found a new hobby. I have decided to breed Lizards. I know I know I sound like a crazy person. But I kinda am so I am doing it! We have bought 7 Bearded Dragons and we have like 25 babies. I Love it!

I am going to do The Wasatch Reptile Expo with the guy that is teaching me to do all of this. McKay Crowley is the man! He sucked me in and now I am hooked...

I have felt so blessed lately to have the family I do! I mean look at this face! How can you not love this face? Ashton is growing up so much and Quinton is the sweetest little boy in the whole world.

Quinton is starting school Monday and I am really sad. Well I'm not sad per say, but I am sad he is growing up. The other day I took the boys to the Bee's game. I was driving home and a song came on the radio. It's called "Your gonna miss this". It made me cry!! It just made me realize how fast things change and how I should Cherish every minuet of time I have. The kids are growing up so fast and I am getting old and fat...just need to be more appreciative of what I have!! I am getting pretty tired and need SLEEP...so I am gonna put up some random pictures and write more tomorrow...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Just a quick post for now...here are the new pictures of the kids!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Camping Fun

HAPPY LATE 4th! We had a great time! Back in high school I had a good friend named Amanda. We lost track of each other for a while, but through the miracle of facebook I, or rather she was able to find me again! It is funny how you can go so long without seeing someone and start right where you left off. She is a little older than me and was like a big sister to me. To top it all off she has a little boy Quintons age and they are best friends!

We went camping to Payson Lakes and had a great time! We got up there on Thursday night and set up camp. We got a new tent so those of you who have experienced that you know how that goes! :) We set it up in one spot and thought that it might be better in another. Ashton was in his usual spot (strapped in his seat) and as we moved the tent one of the poles caught on the handle of the stroller and sent him face first into the bushes and dirt. Needless to say he was a little pissed! We sat him up and dusted him off...he was alright, but I laughed.

We went downstairs and started dinner. Good old tin foil dinners! While it was cooking I drove down to the lake to make a phone call. This little dog ran in front of my car looking scared as crap! We took it back to camp and about two hours later (about 1:00 am) we hear this guy just whispering "Winny." We ran down to grab him, but the dog beat us to him. I thought the guy was going to kiss me square on the mouth. This dog was his daughters who has down syndrome and she was heart broken. Cara and her animal loving has rubbed off on me...but seriously I am glad we returned the dog!
The next day we went down to the lake and the kids romped around. I am getting tired of typing if you can't tell so I am going to finish this post and finish tomorrow!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cara's Fam!

I have decided I want to show everyone Cara's family! I promise I am going to try and put up the best pictures of everyone I have...except for Rustie...I will find a wild one of you!! :) I don't have any pictures of Axel sorry!!:) I will have to do something about that!

Chase and Quinton(Cara's Brother)

Journey Bug!(Niece)

Zac and Callie (Cara's Sister)

Cara's Mom in the red(ONE HOT MOMMA!)

Cash (Nephew)

Randy Cara's Dad

The one thing I can see from doing this is I need to get more pictures of extended family!


Saturday Fun!!!

Today has been...well lets just say worthless :). I have been kinda groggy today because I took a whole allergy pill instead of a half. It makes me so loopy. I am feeling better now though! I drank a Red Bull and put some Dr. Pepper down...how can you not feel GREAT after that? ha ha ha

The kids have has a ball the last couple of days. Yesterday we met up with one of my friends from high school. Amanda was one of my best friends who I could talk with about pretty much anything. She has a little boy Quinton's age named Scottie. I have never seen Quinton take to someone like he did to Scottie. Right when we got there Scottie grabbed Quinton's hand and they ran to his room. They played and played. Then we went to Wall-E (Not a kids show like they make out) and the whole way to the theater Quinton was asking "where is my friend? Is he coming with us?" Then when the movie was over Quinton asked "Can we go home to his house?" It was cute. Cara forgot the Camera ( It is my fault because I took it out of the bag...sure) so we didn't get any pictures. It was fun.

Cara made spaghetti today. Ashton makes the biggest mess when he eats it like all kids. While he was eating a noodle got stuck on his head. It was hanging so every now and then the end would enter his field of vision. He would try to grab it, but he couldn't figure out where it was. It was getting so mad! Everyone was laughing at him which mad him more angry. It was so funny!

After dinner I got to take them outside and hose them off! It is so funny watching their faces when the water hits them! They act so mad, then two seconds later they want me to do it again! FUNNY!!!

Ashton and Quinton live outside! Today Quinton got to swim in the pool that the neighbors have behind us. The landlord got a couple of loads of dirt today, so you guessed it the kids went digging.

Lets talk Jazz a little bit. They drafted Kufos, a center from Ohio State. He should be a good addition to the Jazz if he ever gets to play. The Jazz need a big man in the middle to help stop all the big men in the West. We will see how he works out! By the way, this is a picture of our Jazz room!

Well that is about it for now! I'll write again soon!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just another day...

Well today for me was just another day. They have moved my office to the point of the mountain...so much for moving to Provo for my job! It is OK though. I am in a carpool group so I only have to drive once a week! I have gone Green!:)

I am finishing my first semester back in school! I always wondered why I quit...know I remember! HA HA HA. No seriously I really do enjoy it, I just like fishing, camping, movies etc as well. I have really had to teach myself discipline...well tried to teach myself discipline :)

Quinton is in swimming lessons and Karate this summer. He LOVES it! He is learning so fast now it is scary! He does swimming Monday through Thursday and Karate on Tuesdays and Thursday's. I am so proud of him. Today we went to McDonalds and he was up in the playground. He was playing with the other kids and I kinda looked up to make sure he was ok. He didn't relize I was looking. He was pointing at me and saying "That's my DAD. He is my best friend and we catched a fish! I wanted to cry!

Ashton is quite the handful! I loves him to death, but man he is hard to handle. I have never seen a kid his age move as fast as him. He is only 14 months and he is tackling Quinton and talking back. I hope that is just a Phase! :) He is so stinkin smart too! He only has to see you do something one time and he knows how to do it. He has this fasination with the toilet. He puts his blankets in it all the time and he climbs in it when we arn't looking. CRAZY KID! Randy calls him Hoover...I don't know if it is because he eats everything in sight like a vacume or if it is because you need a vacume after he has been through a room.:)

Alright now for the big news...Cara is Pregnent again! NOT!!! Just thought that would be funny after all that talk about crazy Ashton. Life is good!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Yet Sad Days!

Happy Sunday! Today was kinda a crazy day. If you couldn't tell by my last post it was kinda late when I finished. I got up a little late today. Our house was a disaster area because we had not put our fishing/camping stuff away. It always sucks to wake up to a mess! We got it handled though!

We left the house at 3:30 to go to our friend Zac and Christinas daughter Madalyn's first birthday. It was awesome! Christinas Mom is from Brazil so all her friends were speaking Portuguese. It was fun to listen and hear it again! Ashton was so bad! He is in the phase where he screams if you put him in his stroller, or your running to keep him out of trouble if you let him play. He can be so sweet though! What do ya do? I just pray that this phase will pass into the yes sir stage! :) I am going to put some pictures of Madalyn in that aren't of her party but are still cute!

There aren't many people in this world outside my family that mean a lot to me...really I can count on one hand...but Zac is at the top of all of them. We haven't been able to hang out as much as we would like because Zac decided he was going to use the brain he was blessed with and become a Doctor and has been slammed with School. He is moving in July and I'll tell ya what, it is Killing me! He has been my BEST friend since my senior year in high school. He helped me through a lot of rough times and is more like a brother to me. Really he was the only brother I had for many years! Then when he got married Christina and Cara really hit it off, so when we are together we really have fun! Why do people have to be so smart and have to move away to get smarter? In all seriousness though I am really happy for him! I am going to miss him! I feel blessed to have them in my life!

I also today had an overwhelming feeling of love for my wife. I watched her with my two boys today and realized she works harder than I ever will! I know I am not an easy person to get along with and she takes all my moods and faults in stride and makes me a better person. She keeps me in line and that's what I really need. I just wish she would let me get that new TV I want so bed HINT HINT :)...no really I am blessed to have her in my life and hope to become a better person for her!

Well I have to go put my fisherman to bed so I better wrap this up!

And it begins...

I have been hearing all sorts of stuff about bloging so I decided I would give it a try. I'll just start with today and move forward because I doubt anyone is going to see this but me anyways! Today was a little weird for all of us!

We started out to go to Payson Lakes (which is a great camping spot if you have young kids) but we never got there. On the way to Payson, Rustie (Cara's Mom) called us and asked us to come down to Monroe for the day. It is only like 1.5 hour drive so we decided to go. A little spontaneous I know, but you only live once right?

We get down there and Randy (Cara's Dad) has blown up a sweet Zodiac boat for us to go play in! The problem was...there was no where to play in it! We decided to take it up to this little pond where I'm not even sure if we are allowed to go and played there! it was AWESOME!
Randy decided to dump Ashton into the pond...well he was leaning over and the chair he was in decided to give him a bath and Ashton happened to be with him, and I ended up Jumping in to save him, but as they say no harm no foul hu! I realized that my phone was in my now dripping wet pocket, so I was a little pissed about that, but what do you do?

So we were fishing at the same time as we were boating. For those of you that don't know I am an expert fisherman! :) I have skills in the art of drinking Dr. Pepper and watching my bubble do, well do nothing. I NEVER CATCH FISH! But the tide has turned my friends! I caught one today! It was Quinton who gets the Credit because it was his pole, but who is getting technical?

That is about it for now. I will start to do this if it will be read, but we will see! That's all for now!
PS. The phone started working after being drenched so cancel that last pissed off! :)